
In our aim to cultivate disciples who seek the common good of our community, we are encouraging Trinity Fellowship to get involved in serving Santa Fe Trail Middle School. As we are blessed with the use of their building to meet on Sunday mornings, we want to return the blessing to them. It is a way for us to embody our value of Mutual Hospitality.

One Time Opportunities (no training required):

  • Assist with lunch supervision on Thursdays from 11:40-1:10 - Sign up here

  • Deliver prizes from the prize cart to teachers during school hours (email tracybaack@gmail.com)

  • Drop off snacks, candy bars, or small gift cards any time to the office to be used for staff encouragement

Ongoing Opportunities (OPSD Volunteer training (one hour one time) and background check required):

Mentor an SFT student one-on-one (volunteer training required, 30 minutes/week time commitment)