Who We Are

Our Vision

We long to see our community holistically transformed by the reconciling power of the gospel through the work of the church for the glory of Christ.

Our Mission

Trinity Fellowship is called to follow Jesus by cultivating disciples who love all peoples and seek the common good of our community.

Our Values

  • Gospel Centrality

    The gospel of the kingdom is our only hope in life and in death. It is the central message that moves us and serves as the measure of our lives. Everything that shapes who we are and what we do finds its origin in the gospel.

    1 Cor 15:1-4; Rom 1:16-17, Eph 2:8-10

  • Holistic Discipleship

    The gospel moves us to trust and follow Jesus with the totality of our lives in body, mind, and spirit. Every facet of our living days are to be joyfully surrendered to the ways and the will of Jesus as we live for and before him.

    Luke 9:23-24, Matt 11:28, Matt22:37-40

  • Multicultural Family

    The gospel moves us to intentionally embrace and pursue diverse relationships that reflect our community. In so doing we proclaim and portray the work of the gospel in our world by genuinely creating a new type of familial community.

    Eph 2:11-22, Gal 2:11-14, John 17:20-21

  • Mutual Hospitality

    The gospel moves us to be a people who are able to graciously play the role of welcoming host and humble guest. Each person has something to offer and contribute to the formation and fruitfulness of our community.

    Rom 12:3-16, 1 Cor 14:26, Mark 10:42-45

  • Biblical Justice

    The gospel moves us to work for justice by addressing matters of injustices which inhibit the flourishing of our neighbors. The work of pursuing justice lies at the heart of our call to love our neighbors as ourselves.

    Micah 6:8, Matt 22:23, Matt 25:31-46

Our Beliefs

Trinity Fellowship is a part of the Evangelical Covenant Church

The Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC)—a rapidly growing multi-ethnic denomination in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world. Founded in 1885 by Swedish immigrants, the ECC values the Bible as the Word of God, the gift of God's grace and ever-deepening spiritual life that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, the importance of extending God's love and compassion to a hurting world, and the strength that comes from unity within diversity.

As a member of the ECC, Trinity Fellowship adheres to the following six affirmations:

  • We affirm the centrality of the Word of God.

  • We affirm the necessity of the new birth.

  • We affirm a commitment to the whole mission of the church.

  • We affirm the church as a fellowship of believers.

  • We affirm a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit.

  • We affirm the reality of freedom in Christ.

You can read more about our beliefs here.